Sunday, February 28, 2016

Handling a Dental Emergency

While you might have drilled yourself in what to do in case of a fire, have you ever stopped to think of what you would do if your little one has a medical emergency? You may think that your child is not at risk of dental emergencies if they eat healthier, or do not play high contact sports, but remember that accidents can happen anytime, unannounced. As an affordable kid’s dentist in El Paso, here’s what we recommend in case of a dental emergency:

While a tooth ache might not seem like “the sky is falling” predicament, it sure can be a very strange and uncomfortable sensation for a kid. Anytime your child complains of mouth pain, search the affected area using his help, clean the surrounding gum and tooth with a cool towel, and rinse his mouth with warm water. Check with your finger to see if anything is lodged in to his gums. If so, gently remove with a dental floss or toothpick. Apply a cold compress if swelling occurs.

Cut On Lip, Cheek, or Tongue:
Apply pressure with a cloth or gauze to thwart bleeding, and apply ice to alleviate with swelling. If bleeding is not relieving by applying pressure, rush your child to a pediatric dentist.

Permanent Tooth Pushed Out Of Place:
Rinse your child’s mouth with warm water and press on a cool compress to alleviate swelling.

Permanent Tooth Knocked Out:
A knocked out tooth is also referred to as an “avulsed” tooth. If timely action is taken, there’s a good chance that the tooth can be saved! Find the loose tooth, and rinse it gently with water. It is highly imperative that you handle it by the crown and not the root. Try to slide the tooth back into its hollow and ensure that it is facing the right way up. Take your child to a pediatric dentist immediately.

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